Elford Village

March Parish Council meeting

Concerns were again raised by a resident about the effect of water from the development site on Eddies Lane. Cllr Turley confirmed that a meeting would be held between the developers and the Parish Council to discuss the drainage and other matters, and particularly to establish a means of contact so that the Parish Council could raise any concerns with Elan Homes.

Dave Hill presented an evaluation of the Flood Report, which addressed how the Flood Wardens would operate now that an improved pumping station was in use, and proposed how the village could assist with the welfare of Environment Agency staff who attended to monitor the pump often for long hours in difficult conditions.

Brickhouse Lane was still suffering from potholes and this would continue to be reported to Staffordshire Highways.

The Right of Way at The Green had been blocked off, Cllrs would arrange a meeting to discuss this with the householder responsible, the Rights of Way team at Staffordshire County Council would be likely to take action.

The village now had an impressive book swap facility in the former kiosk in Church Road, which had been finished to coincide with the World Book Day event when the children had enjoyed spotting books in windows around the village.

Please see the Minutes on http://elfordparish.co.uk/index.php/parish-council/minutes